30 May

Hamsters are smarter than you think and easily find their way out, here are some ways that helped me find my hamster in less than a day! You will have a better chance of finding your hamster during the night because they are nocturnal.

  • Look in one room at a time, close the doors and start in the room where your hamster first escaped
  • Look in dark and small spaces
  • Make some noises and shuffle things around to startle you hamster than listen carefully if he moves. ( this helped me many times to find my hamster.)
  • It may be helpful to cover small cracks they can get to and you can't, ( refrigerators, Dishwashers, dryers and washers)
  • Check places in your home that may be warmer

Do not give up on finding your hamster and if you don't find him the first day leave some food and water for him so he doesn't starve! Good Luck hamster moms!!

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