30 May

Understanding what your hamsters behaviors mean can help you know what your hamster needs to live a happy and healthy life.  This way you can know when your hamsters s frightened  or bored.  Here are some behaviors that your hamster may be doing and why.

  1. Monkey Barring

This behavior normally is caused by boredom, hamsters who have too small of a cage will try to escape. This can cause your hamster to hurt themselves because the may climb high and let go, causing them to fall.To prevent Monkey Barring you can upgrade your cage to a larger one, or you can get an aquarium or bin to use as a cage. 

2.Bar Chewing

This behavior is also caused by boredom too, As you may know hamster do gnaw on things to ware down their teeth, but chewing on bars certainly is not the best way. Bar chewing actually mean that your hamster is bored and whats something to do. But, this may cause broken or crooked teeth. Buying chew toys or changing to a wireless cage should stop this behavior.3.Suddenly Freezing in Place

Sometimes you may be playing with your hamster and then he will all of a sudden freeze like a statue. This is because he just heard or seen something unusual and trying to listen carefully. There is nothing to worry about if your hamster is doing this. Normally, they are frightened or surprised.4. Flat as a pancake

This behavior is quite adorable. When your hamster flattens themselves out like a pancake it normally means they are happy and relaxed. However, some do say it means your hamster is too hot when they do this.  Hamsters are most comfortable in 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. So if it's not too hot than it is whatever you're doing, your hamster likes it!

5. Hissing or showing teeth

If your hamster is hissing and showing your teeth, better leave them alone. When showing their teeth they may also lift their front paws to defend.If you approach it may bite you, because it is frightened and telling you to back off. If your hamster was sleeping and you interrupted him than he may do this.

  If there are other things your hamster is doing you can comment below or email me @ ajayning23@gmail.com and I will tell you why.

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